Sunday, March 22, 2009


We hit Love Apple Farms on Saturday, we came home with lots of tomatoes.
She has a picture of each tomato.We picked up 10 for our friends, 3 for my mom and the rest of them are ours.
  1. Here is the list of plants we got:
    Big Red- Red Round XXL
    Bloody Butcher- Red round sm
    Burpee’s Supersteak- Red round xxl
    Chyornyi Tarasenko- Red/Black round xxl
    Early Girl- Red round med
    Grape- Red Cherry
    King Pineapple- Bi-color Round lg
    Wild Bill’s Big Red- Round XXL
    Zogola- Red Round XXL
    Big Beef- Red round lg (mom)
    Costoluto Genovese- Red ruffled sm (mom)
    Tommy Toe- Round Cherry (mom)
    Big Beef (Blomquist fam)
    Yellow Pear (Blomquist fam)
    Brandy Sweet Plum (Blomquist fam)
    Big Rainbow (Blomquist fam)
    Black Bear (Blomquist fam)
    Marvel Stripe (Blomquist fam)
    Texas Star (Blomquist fam)
    Brown Berry (Blomquist fam)
    Gardener’s Delight- Red round cherry (Blomquist fam)
    Hege German Pink- Round lg (Blomquist fam)
We also got 3 jars on yummy:
Triple Berry Jam
Apple Butter
White Peach Lavender jelly
Lilie and Ava like the animals the most.
Dali the pot belly pig
Indiana Jones one of the local dogs.
I was excited to see the hundred year old Magnolia x Soulangeana

1 comment:

Sutton Family said...

I take it you like tomatoes.......