Thursday, July 3, 2008

A few photos

I am not sure how I managed without the mosses basket when we had Lilie. Thank you Neighbor Wendy this basket rocks!!! I will post a picture soon, Ava loves it. We are off to the doc today at 11 just so Ava's doc can check her out and give her the Hep. B shot oh the fun.
Getting ready to have a baby:

Daddy to two

Great head control

Going home

Big Sister Love

What we came home to, love the neighbors!

What Lilie did while we were at the hospital

To see all of our photos cut and paste the link into your browser:

1 comment:

The Paskins said...

Carin -

Congratulations on beautiful daughter #2! Not sure if you remember, but we used to play together when we were at Crowell School. Anyway, I hope you are getting some rest and that your family is doing well. Congrats again!

Sarah (Reichert) Paskin