Monday, August 22, 2011

stuff aka catching up

This is a favorite of mine, Time Out Ava. When sent on a time out she didn't have the tutu on. We had lunch with Josh's parents at one of our favorite restaurants, Cafe Ella's.

Puppy time

This one might need some explanation, Ava slipped in the shower and pulled something in her hip and to be safe she had to have x-rays done. None the less they love the Disney masks, and freaking out other people waiting in the hospital.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

birthday trip part 2

Day two was spent going up down and around at Sun Splash in Roseville. For almost 9 hrs we played. We even got in some "night slides" which was more like dusk slides for us. Half way through the day after lunch ready to go again.

Done end of the day

Her prize after hitting the arcade

We each had 2 braclets and one stamp

That night we crashed in a hotel, Ava's first time too.

Then we were off to Ikea after one more crash/jump on the bed.


And the girls were out again.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

birthday trip part one

For the girls birthday my mom gave them (us) a trip to the water slides. We turned it into a day in Turlock and then a day in Roseville. We ate a lot it started in a bus (think gray hound) that has been converted into a taco truck. It's very good and the girls were so excited to take me. They had gone when they spent a week at Camp G-ma.after lunch we saw a movie (Smurfs) then went to the high school to pick up one of my moms former students she is sponsoring to play football. Ava insisted Lilie lay on top of her they way she did to LilieFor dinner we had Lulu's. I wish we had one of these at home! Shakes, burgers, fries, ice cream and fried Twinkies. Pure Heaven!!

The next day we were off to part two of the celebration.

Friday, August 19, 2011

yard work

Child labor, not the fastest or most efficient but it's fun to watch!

Lilie mows Ava cleans up

