Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kennedy Camera

These are just a few of the photos Amanda and I took her her camera.
Ava making sand-angles...yeah that's my kid! Kennedy family
Dan, Amanda & Annemiek
My favorite picture I took!

Amanda got some fantastic one of the girls
See they have just as many family photos as we do:)
Stop and smell the roses!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Half Moon Bay Distillery

We saw a sign for the Half Moon Bay Distillery and had to check it out. It looks like a great place to come back and visit. Kid and pet friendly restaurant and one of the best places I could see to watch the sun set.
This is the kind of photos I get when my kids are left alone with my camera. What pretty view
Doggies pulled us up Up the hill we went for a great view I call Sumo and Josh looks... Josh and ISumo is still bigger
the residents who lives along the closed road we walked planted some very pretty flowers

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sour Grass = Pretty yellow flowers

While driving you can't help but notice the fields of yellow flowers or "Sour Grass" Josh pulled off the road in the field without me even asking.

Have I pointed out the girls matching shirts?

Think they had fun running in the flowers?
Oh yeah!
What could they be looking at?
Ava trying to have the dogs smell the flowers
We found a baby snake
Picking flowers are a lot of work
Lilie had just a few

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bean Hollow State Park

Lets go! All four of our kids had fun in the sand

This is a little sad, this is not a rock formation but a dead Blue Whale. She was pregnant when hit by a boat and washed up on shore and died. It was interesting to see the bones and what is left. Not something everyone gets to see in person.
Here are her vertebrae
Algae that looks like cowhide
Star fish Sea urchin Open sea anemone
and closed
(looks like doughnut covered in rocks) Someone lost a claw Lilie pic (we went wayyy out their) Daddy pic Mommy picture
Baby powder clean up

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Harley Farms Goat Dairy

Harley Farms Goat Dairy is such a great farm. It's a fun family place to stop and pick up some cheese, olive oils or even soaps and lotions made from goats milk, (not the olive oil). Their store
the view out the window
The line up of cheese and samples, be still my heart!
Kids that are days old (not even a week old) A foe or nanny
Around the farm...
They grow edible flowers that are placed on some of their cheeses
The farm house

1950's pie board table from a local restaurant has been refurbed to a wash table
The Kennedy family
(with Ava looking on)
The balconies view of the farm What a pretty table setting all ready for a farm dinner
These chairs are so cute some have goats on their head rest.
Low ceiling going down the stairs

A must visit if you are in area.