Thursday, October 30, 2008

Potty time

After dinner, before bath while we wait for daddy to call us, Ava sits on the potty.
Only once has she actually gone:-)
But she loves to sit their naked.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Tonight I dug out the old baby food mill the one my mom used to make my food, and I used to make Lilie's food. I mashed a little banana into the oatmeal daddy brought home thinking Ava was sick of the rice cereal.

This was really cool, Taunta Amanda put together a dinner that rocked! It's kind of like a dutch fondue. Everyone gets their own skillet, to cook their food on. Their are tons of different meats. Amanda had, mini hamburgers wrapped in bacon, steak, shrimp, scallops, sausage, chicken and more. With add-in's like mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes, and bacon. With butter and flavored butters to cook your food in and 7 different dipping sauces.

Lilie LOVED cooking her own food:-) we will be borrowing a set of pans.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday morning Cartoons

My girls watching "old school" cartoons.
You know back when they were good, Smurfs and Pink Panther.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

TKD Halloween Party!!

Our first Halloween party of the year was at Josh and Lilie's Tae Kwon Do studio. It was a pot luck with lots of yummy food. We took a home made pasta salad.

Ready to go!

Josh and Lilie's pumpkin

Hockey Player & Banana

Lilie and her instructor

Papa Ken's Birthday

Cerra Vista Elementary School

We like supporting schools we don't even attend. We know alot of kids/parents who attend Cerra Vista so we were happy to go and play.

A good time was had by all....

Video of Lilie on the bull

Fun with friends

Lilie roping video

All photos can be seen by copy-and-paste this address into your browser:

Friday, October 24, 2008

27th Annual Turkey Trot

Get your wallets out for Lilies first fundraiser of the school year! (See's Candy is in Dec.) Lilies school does what they call the "Turkey Trot" it's like a Jog-a-thon but for 1st grade they walk/jog it with their class.
1 mile for first- through third-graders and 2-1/2 miles for the older students
The Turkey Trot is a 27-year tradition at her school. All donations are going toward the Athletics Dept.
Lilie is collecting pledges for her one mile trot.
Money must be turned in by November 20th. Drop me an e-mail if your are interested in sponsoring her!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Weighing in at...

Just over 15lbs Miss Ava P. Sutton!!!
Miss Ava went to the doc today to check on her eye it is a little swollen and teary, come to find out she has her first cold:-( Can you tell???

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mini HipHop Class

Lilie was invited to try a Mini Hip Hop class that her friend Anthony takes. Anthony is in Lilies 1st grade class and is also the Tae Kwon Do instructors son. She had fun but you can see in the video that her days in ballet and tap have ruined her for hip hop. Nice pointed fingers closed tightly together, not the wide hard open fingers she should have had.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lilie was so happy!

On his day off Red made a surprise appearance!
Lilie was thrilled. She and I both LOVE Red Robin's.

Ava just loved the bright colors and a toy that was giant!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Josh's letter to the Groom

Dear G,
It is 7 am on your wedding day, I have just been woken up by a freak thunderstorm. Now I know you don’t believe in signs, but rain on your wedding day is good luck.
Anyways, getting back to writing. I have been trying to figure out what to say since you asked me to be your best man back in July. I now find my self sitting in my underwear this morning still drawing a blank. I am not drawing a blank because of nothing to say, but because of where do I begin.
From high school to present day you have always been a true friend. I can’t count how many times I ate cows tongue before you told me what it was. Or the number of times I crashed on your parents couch after a Thursday night at Rosie McCann’s just so I could get 3 hours of sleep before going to work. Then picking everyone up Friday night for another night of searching for “chicks”, just to find myself on the couch again eating a Bagel Dog and falling asleep. Sometimes heading home so I could get enough sleep to come back and pick everyone up for the big Saturday night out in San Jose. Thank God for Jack in the Box tacos, or in your case Jumbo Jacks!
From Vegas to TJ to Lake Havasu to Disneyland we have had some close calls my friend, like a donkey or tea cups , but none closer than the Yosemite trip, were I was gonna kill you.
All those fond memories, thank God are just memories. I don’t now how we survived, but we did.
Now that we are “old married dusty farts” we can gain new memories with our new best friends, our wives.
In closing ,I have to say Mario Arrero Guerrero I am proud and honored to be your friend. You have been like brother to me and I love you bro! Congratulations!

Mad respect, your bro,
“Skillz” with a Z

All wedding photos can be found by copy-and-paste this address into your browser:

Wedding fun

Josh was the best man for Mario's wedding yesterday. The video of his "letter" to the groom is to long to post but I will post the writen version.

Bride Valerie & Groom Mario
Oct. 18th 2008
Josh, Mario, Jason & Dion

Mia & Lilie

Groom & Lilie & Mia

Jason, Andi, Nya

Work Mascot

Debbie found our new mascot stocking our bird at work:-)

4ft gopher snake, not the first of the year but the biggest:-) They seem to find their way into our office a few times a year. They get relocated to a fresh squirrel hole.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Waiting for Sissy

Fun things we do waiting for Lilie to get out 0f school.
Besides sleeping she loves to check her self out in the mirror.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Just the two, three and four of us

Just some currant family photos




Thursday, October 16, 2008

Halloween Cupcakes

Lilie and I made cupcakes for Josh, 6 jumbo and 12 minis.

Lilie hard at work
Lilie's little cupcakes
Mommy's big cupcakes

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

1st "real" food for Ava

The rice cereal was a successful! It was a little messy but she liked it:-) Ava like to watch what we eat and started to droll when she saw our food so we thought what the heck lets give it a try. The second feeding was in a bottle. It was much neater in a bottle but she did good with the spoon too.
Big bite
That was good
Messy face

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lilies school photo

Big 1st grade photo! Next is Tae Kwon Do photos

Monday, October 13, 2008

Shots & After school hangout

Lilie and I got our flu shots today. No crying for either of us! Lilie got hers at the doctors mine from the guy at Safeway. I did find out Safeway will check to see if your insurance will cove the shot. Ours did so it was $13 instead of $30 and it comes with two pretty good coupons. The first is 10% off you next shopping trip total in the following week. The second is if you bring in a new prescription you get a $30 gift card of your choice.

After school a few days a week Lilie, Ava and I go and hangout with Amanda at her music store. Lilie does her homework then we all play a few games of hang man. We had to get a few photos of the "so ugly they are cute pants" and Amanda. I will get photos of Lilie B. next time.