Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lilie's 6 yr old & Ava's newborn Pictures are in!!!

Cut and paste into your brower!!


Hollister Suttons were testing today.

(I will upload video tomorrow)

Josh's testing:
Josh had his first belt testing today:

Testing group: 3 adults, 3 kids:-)

Lilie's testing:
Lilie tested for her next belt also:

Ava's testing:
Ava is styling in her space saving high chair.

I LOVE the head band!!!

Making friends

Carin's testing:
My patients are being tested with how long it's taking her tomatoes to ripen!
To view all the testing photos, like what Ava did while testing went on, copy and paste into your browser:

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

One month check & Back at work

One month check up was today and Ava's numbers are....
11lbs 9oz and 22 3/4inch long
the doc thought she was 2months due to her size, head control, and "talking"

Growth Percentile
84th percentile for height
92th percentile for weight
53th percentile for head circumference

We (the girls and I) have been back at work on and off going on week two now. I am just now getting around to posting a picture of Ava working hard at Arrowcopter. She spend some time awake and eating but she love to swing the most. Lilie is at vacation bible camp this week so she isn't there to help me. I better get use to that, she starts school on the 18th!

Good thing she isn't getting paid!

Monday, July 28, 2008

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

I set up the play pen just for the heck of it:-)
Check the hawk...

Representing the Three Stripes

Just for Josh & Mario

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Great America & 1st Camping trip

On friday Otis (the comp Josh works for) had their BBQ and family trip to Great America.


Ride with Mom

Ride with Dad

Ava rocking the bow

Family Photo

Hanging with Sutton Grandparents

After that fun we headed to Ava's first camping trip at Barrets Cove in Merced.

Ava's Bed

Dad & Ava

Dad, Lilie & Ava

Mom, Lilie & Ava

Looking at...

Ava fish

Best Friends, Dan & Lilie

You know the drill, if you want to check out all the great photos (and I know you do) cut and paste the link into your browser:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Book for the girls

Check out the book I put together for the girls!

You know the drill, cut and paste into your browser:

Maybe she will be a lefty:-)
Oh be still my heart!!!!

No more pictures, while she hangs out in her sling

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Which is which?

I asked Lilie which one was her and she guessed wrong. Do you know?

I guess they look a like, a little:-)

"Today's the BIG Day" Said Lilie

Lilie came into the house and declared that, "Today's the BIG day" I asked her what the heck she was talking about and she told me she had told Josh to take the training wheels off her bike. We made it threw a few tries with only a few tears and no crashes, and only one close call.

A Dad at rest

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thumb Sucking

I walked in and found a girl after my own heart:-) Check her out

Rocking Tomatoes

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Few Firsts

We had our first dinner out this weekend with Miss Ava. A Red Robin restaurant opened in Morgan Hill so we had to go:-) We also had our first family outing to the Hollister Biker Rally down town. I will say Ava was easy on us, she slept threw both events. Oh the joys of her still sleeping half the time.

Eyes open!

Friday, July 11, 2008

sneek peek

Here is a sneak peek at the first batch of Baby Ava announcement photos:-)

First Bath

I don't know if Ava feels better but I do, she is fresh and clean.
Get ready

Wet baby

Fresh & clean

I want my cloths!

So much better

Lilie and Ava took their first sister photos this morning. I can't wait to get them back (2-3 weeks! The weather didn't cooperate but the girls did pretty good.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happening day!

Yeah Ava slept for 5 hours in her crib yesterday night, she took a nap in it and her cord came off her belly button which means bath time!!! What a eventful day for not leaving the house. Lilie and I made blueberry muffins while Ava rested:-)
Dad & Daughters

Dad & Ava

Sleepy time